Its been a while since I have posted on my blog - I am not sure if anyone reads it regularly yet - I have one subscriber that I know of. The reason for the length of time is because I rather unfortunately had two bicycle crashes (don't worry, they were both single-vehicle accidents). My first was when my wheel got caught in a little furrow/rut between the footpath and nature strip, and the second was when a small child stepped in front of me on the street. In both incidents I was the only one injured. However, I have been back in the saddle very quickly after both crashes and I am recovering well, though I am back on pain medication for a while.
One thing which is really cheering my up is the up-coming Sydney Tweed Ride! After reading about similar events in the UK and USA, I wanted to get one happening here in Sydney, Australia. Thankfully, someone else beat me to it and got a ride organised, thought it is an un-supported ride and participants are responsible for their own safety and for obeying all relevant laws.

I must also squeeze in here a little plug for RocketFuel who produce vintage-styled cycle caps and other fashionable cycling items locally in Sydney from a variety of re-cycled and vintage materials. I am really quite pleased with the cap I am now wearing. In fact I have a problem with hair - I'm half-Asian and have very thick and unruly black hair. I find that wearing this cap of a morning on my commute at least flattens it down a little to something manageable and if I put it on straight after I shower and brush my hair it keeps it all nicely set for when I am going out. Not to mention it does prevent the lumpy look of helmet hair.
I have no financial relationship with rocketfuel, other than I won't mind forking over some more cash for more of their stuff! The caps are seriously good-quality, and they fulfil my preferences for buying local and/or recycled where possible. Oh, and a bit of good retail therapy helps you get over not being able to ride for several days after a crash!
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